Apr 25, 2017 | Clinical News, Legislation
Explaining Prescription Drugs and Driving to Your Patients as a Pharmacist Since the introduction of road side testing in April for drug driving , a lot of pharmacists have found that they are having a lot of questions from their patients about how this road...
Apr 14, 2017 | Clinical News, OTC Training
One of the most common clinical interventions you make as a community pharmacist working is prescribing OTC medicines for patients who come into your pharmacy. For years it has been frustrating for pharmacists and patients alike that many interventions that may...
Nov 22, 2016 | Moving to Ireland
We are having a group class in Dublin and you are invited! At Excellent Pharmacist Academy, we know that a lot of pharmacists who have qualified from outside of Ireland have the requisite clinical skills to act as a pharmacist, but a lot of people struggle in their...
Nov 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
Nov 18, 2016 | Clinical News, Legislation
The Role of The Pharmacist in Drug-Driving Prevention and Road Safety When it comes to road safety in Ireland, up until now, education and policy has been up to the Road Safety Authority and enforcement by the Gardai and punishment handed out by the...
Oct 25, 2016 | Clinical News
Could This Drug Replace Methadone and Buprenorphine in Opioid Dependent Patients? Opioid dependence is one of the most severe drug dependencies and is currently growing in many countries around the world, with the increased availability of illicit supplies of...
Jun 2, 2016 | Moving to Ireland
How does #Brexit affect your MPharm……. It does. Currently your ability to practice in the EU is governed by a number of factors which are subject to the UK being part of the EU. These regulations allow for the free movement of citizens of EU members...
Apr 17, 2016 | Moving to Ireland
A recent article published in the online version of the business magazine, Forbes , states that one of the top jobs to have in healthcare is to be a pharmacist! So let’s look at why being a pharmacist in Ireland could potentially be for you. 1. IT IS WORTH...