Excellent Pharmacist Academy
Moving to Ireland from another EU country to work as a Pharmacist?
Our course is exactly what you need to help you at the start of your journey

Getting Started with our online course is as easy as 12344.
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Our Services
Experts In community Pharmacy Training
We offer the best course in Ireland at an affordable price to help you learn and work competently as a pharmacist in Ireland even if you trained abroad.
Foreign Trained Pharmacist Online Course
Group Classes (Suspended due to Covid)
Free Education Blog Posts
Free Training Resources
What do you learn from the course?

Legal Module
Learn the relevant legislations and rules to guide you .

PCRS Module
know and understand the different prescription schemes .

Admin Module
Learn how to process day to day admin tasks in the pharmacy .

Technology Module
Learn about the different computer systems in Ireland and the type of tasks you’ll be expected to know how to perform

OTC Resources & Extra Information
We have trained a lot of pharmacists who were just like you and needed help with understanding how to work in Ireland
Pharmacists Trained

Learn From The Comfort of Home!
Online Tutoring
With our online course , you can learn from the safety of your home during the pandemic and at your own pace and you can book in for a call if you have any questions.
Testimonials and Reviews

About Us
since 2016
Excellent Pharmacist Academy was set up to help pharmacists who are making the transition from other countries or industries into the community pharmacy sector in Ireland. Our purpose, is to create a one-stop shop for such pharmacists.
The course is delivered by pharmacists who have trained and practiced in Ireland for a number of years. They also have international experience and registrations who fully understand the scope of community pharmacy practice in Ireland, which is not as straight forward as it is in many countries.
Ireland has a lot of administrative differences in the processing of prescriptions or dealing with pharmacy services which require a lot of work to understand
Our Mission
We equip qualified pharmacists from all over the world, with the necessary skills and knowledge to practice as a pharmacist in Ireland competently and effectively.
What we do
We offer an intensive course which teaches you all the administrative and legal information that is required to be most effective as community based pharmacist in Ireland.
Blog Post Resources
High Tech Hub Training for Beginners
Introduction Okay, let’s start at the beginning. The High Tech Scheme was created by the government to pay for very expensive and specialised medicines for citizens of the state. The High Tech Scheme is very unique amongst all the schemes that exist between the PCRS...
What you need to know about the new temporary prescription legislation amendments. (with 8 example scenarios)
The Government, on Friday the 3rd of April 2020, signed amended prescription legislation to support patients , prescribers , pharmacists and pharmacy technicians during this SARSCOV-2 pandemic facing the world. These amendments will give extra support to pharmacy...
What you need to know about the new PCRS Rules around Oral Nutritional Supplements.
The HSE/PCRS has decided that from the 1st of July 2019 not all Oral Nutritional Supplements which have a PCRS/GMS code will be automatically reimbursed. The HSE/PCRS has divided the present Oral Nutritional Supplements into two categories namely List A...
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